. Napisz e-maila do producenta programów komputerowych z zapytaniem o warunki sprzedaży licencji na interesujący Cię program. - poinformuj, że kupiłeś/aś program DVD-player wraz z komputerem, - wspomnij w jakich okolicznościach program przestał działać, - zapytaj, ile będzie kosztować nowa licencja na program, - dowiedz się, na jak długo można licencję otrzymać.
minimum 80 słow
Hello I am writing to You because I would like to ask You about one thing. Last week I bought DVD Player software together with computer. When I opened and tried to test it to check how it's working so then its showed communicate on my computers screen. It was written: "We are so sorry but your software has stopped working. Please contact with your software's producer to solve the problem. For more information check our website". I was kinda disappointed coz I didn't expected something like that. Now I would like to ask You how much will it cost new license of DVD player software and for how many days I can get the license? Hope to hear from You soon. Thank You so much.