Przeczytałeś/aś ogłoszenie reklamujące kurs dla kandydatow na szefa kuchni. Napisz list OFICJALNY (120-150 słow) w którym:
- poinformujesz gdzie znalazles ogloszenie i wyrazisz zainteresowanie kursem
- wspomnisz o 3 cechach charakteru, ktore predysponuja cie do zostania szefem kuchni i o swoim doswiadczeniu
- zapytasz o wymagania rekrutacyjne i poprosisz o wyslanie formularz aplikacyjnego
- zapytasz jakie zajecia obejmuje kurs i jak długo trwa.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Dear Sir/Madam,
I would like to apply for the chef training course. I saw your advertisement in my secondary school, on the notice board.
I am already a good cook. I have learned to cook from my mother, who is also a chef. She works at a restaurant in my city and I have been helping her for four years. I think I would be a good chef because I like to experiment with food, I am careful, and I am creative.
I also have some questions for you. What are the criteria for becoming a chef? What kind of person are you looking for? Could you please send me the application form? How long is the course and what are the classes?
Thank you and I’m looking forward to hearing from you.
(134 slow)