Zastanawiałeś/aś się nad Twoją przyszłą karierą zawodową i chcesz omówić ten temat z anglojęzycznym przyjacielem. Napisz do niego list, w którym: *określisz, jaki zawód chciał(a)byś wykonywać i dlaczego, *wspomnisz o negatywnych stronach takiego wyboru, *poinformujesz, jaką radę dotyczącą kariery zawodowej otrzymałeś/aś od przyjaciela lub krewnego, *zadasz przyjacielowi dwa pytania o jego nadzieję związane z karierą zawodową. .
I've been considering my future career and wanted to discuss it with you. I'm really interested in pursuing a career as a computer programmer because of the creativity and problem-solving involved. However, there are challenges, such as the need to constantly learn and adapt to new technologies and the solitary nature of the work.
Recently, I received advice from a relative to find a balance between passion and practicality in my career choice. They emphasized considering market demand and future prospects. I'm curious to know about your career aspirations. What are your hopes and dreams? Have you thought about what kind of work would bring you fulfillment? I'd love to hear your thoughts.
Hi [jakieś imie],
I've been considering my future career and wanted to discuss it with you. I'm really interested in pursuing a career as a computer programmer because of the creativity and problem-solving involved. However, there are challenges, such as the need to constantly learn and adapt to new technologies and the solitary nature of the work.
Recently, I received advice from a relative to find a balance between passion and practicality in my career choice. They emphasized considering market demand and future prospects. I'm curious to know about your career aspirations. What are your hopes and dreams? Have you thought about what kind of work would bring you fulfillment? I'd love to hear your thoughts.
Looking forward to your response.
Best regards,