Widziałeś/aś niedawno program o tematyce wojennej, który zrobił na tobie duże wrażenie. Opowiedz zagranicznej znajomej: - jaki to był program i kiedy do widziałeś/aś; - o czym był ten program; - dlaczego zrobił na tobie tak duże wrażenie.
marthepl Lsst Saturday I watched on Tv program "Conflicts on the world". It was program about different conflicts and wars on the world. It showed people who died. They fought bravely. I was very interested it becouse I got to know a lot of interesting things.
Lsst Saturday I watched on Tv program "Conflicts on the world". It was program about different conflicts and wars on the world. It showed people who died. They fought bravely. I was very interested it becouse I got to know a lot of interesting things.