October 2018 1 47 Report

a longhouses is just that- a long house! some longhouses are 100 meters long. they is a long passage in the middle and there are lots of small rooms for families. they are made from the wood and leaves of trees.outside, there is a long passage, or verandah.at the front of house. you can find longhouses in some countries in Asia. in Borneo,they are the traditional houses of the I ban people. usually the long house is in the forest, near a river. there are sometimes 50 families in a longhouses. Each family has got its own room. each longhouse has got a headman. he is usually an old man. he has got a room in the middle of the house. in the day the house is very quiet. the people are outside, at work. in the evening there are lots of people, and lots of children, but it isnt noisy. most longhouses are happy and peaceful places. Dam najjj

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