Uczestniczyłeś/aś w wycieczce szkolnej do ZOO. W e-mailu do kolegi/kolezanki z Anglii napisz: •Kiedy i gdzie pojechaliście? • Co widziałeś/aś i co ci się najbardziej podobało? • Zachęć kolegę koleżankę do wspólnego wyjazdu. Hi! I was on a school trip with my classmates.
Hi! I was on a school trip with my classmates. Last month we went to the zoo. There were lots of interesting animals! I saw lions, giraffes, elephants and many more. But what I liked the most was the monkeys. They were so funny and smart!
Next time, I advise you to go on a trip with me. I'm sure you'll like it! Let's consider this plan together. Write when it would be convenient for you to leave.
Hi! I was on a school trip with my classmates. Last month we went to the zoo. There were lots of interesting animals! I saw lions, giraffes, elephants and many more. But what I liked the most was the monkeys. They were so funny and smart!
Next time, I advise you to go on a trip with me. I'm sure you'll like it! Let's consider this plan together. Write when it would be convenient for you to leave.
Best regards, [Your name]