Napisać historyjkę nie więcej niż 15 zdań nie mniej niż 10 o animatorze który robi to samo co Ty np. Ty ruch w prawo on też ;) i trzeba ułożyć o tym np. że się z nim bawisz i gdzie go spotkałeś/aś.
Daję najlepszą ;]
Oto moja odpowiedź: Yesterday I play with my "double". We were in the park. When, I turn left, he do the same. It was very funny. We laughed and kept repeating that he did not still the same as me. at the beginning seemed to do it on purpose. No, he did it all the time. Upset me. The "game" ended that I went home.
Yesterday I play with my "double". We were in the park. When, I turn left, he do the same. It was very funny. We laughed and kept repeating that he did not still the same as me. at the beginning seemed to do it on purpose. No, he did it all the time. Upset me. The "game" ended that I went home.