June 2020 2 146 Report
Please make into correct sentences using a/an/some!

Example: I have………….. egg. (a/an)
Answer: I have …an….. egg.

1. We need…………………………rice to cook for today. (a/a bowl of)

2. Bob eats ………….orange every morning. (a/an)

3. My mother bought……………………….rice in the market yesterday. (three/three kilo of)

4. We have the hot water but we don’t have …………………sugar. (a/an/a spoon of)

5. They like orange, so they consume it………….oranges everyday. (a/an/some)

6. People drink at least………………………..water daily. (five/five glasses of)

7. Do you need……………………….salt? (a/an/a pinch of)

8. My daughter eats……………..sausages everyday. ( a/an/some)

9. Father need to buy……………………………vegetables today. (a/an/a basket of/some)

10. Rabbit eats……………………..carrots. (a/an/some/a bunch of)

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