January 2019 1 10 Report
97g kamienia kotłowego poddano temicznemu rozkładowi, w wyniku czego otrzymano 23,52dm3 CO2 w war. normalnych. Oblicz skład procentowy kamienia kotlowego.
odp. MgCO3 43,3%, CaCO3 56,7%
Proszę o rozpisanie obliczeń.
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Choose the correct word or phrase (a, b or c) to complete sentences . 1) He _____________ stealing his coat. accused me to accused me of is me accusing 2) It took me some time, but I did ____________ find out who had been opening my mail. Basically anyway eventually 3) Supposing that you _______ become a doctor, what do you think you would have done? hadn’t weren’t didn’t 4) She __________ in bed when I called. It was two in the afternoon! a) can’t be b) couldn’t have been c) couldn’t be 5) Do you think that your money could _____________when you were on the bus? be stolen have stolen have been stolen (6) I live in Seattle, __________ is in Washington State. a) where b) which c) that (7) He offered me some whisky, ___________ was very strange because he knows I don’t drink alcohol. that who which (8) What I don’t understand ___________ they managed to get there before we did. Is was if is how (9) I was ___________ uneasy before the concert started. absolutely quite utterly (10) Can you tell me as soon as she ___________? Phones is phoning will phone (11) _____________ anything special over Christmas, Mark? Will you have you done Will you be doing Might you do (12) By the end of next week she _________ all her exams. a) will finish b) will have finished c) will be finishing (13) I took far too _________ stuff with me on holiday. Many few much (14) There’s no electricity so the presentation will have to _______without a projector. Do have done be done (15) This is my third computer virus in ten days. I’m totally __________ it! a) impatient of b) irritated at c) fed up with (16) It just ____________ that it’s your first wedding anniversary next week, isn’t it? a) hit me b) come over me c) dawned on me (17) When you are a busy manager like me, it’s not a good idea to ______________ until tomorrow what you have time to do today. a) put off b) put up c) put on (18) The water looks beautiful. Shall we go for a ____________ in the pool? Nap slap dip (19) It’s completely ___________ whether he wants to take a holiday with us or not. a) through him b) out of him c) up to him (20) He suggested ____________ the match until the following day. a) them to postpone b) that they postpone c)them postponing

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