October 2018 1 106 Report
Hallar el enesimo número:

*Hallar el 15° termino de
÷4. 7. 10 .......

*Hallar el 23° término de ÷ 9.4.-1...............

*Hallar el 38° termino de ÷ 2/3. 3/2.7/3 ................

*Hallar el 42° termino de ÷ -2. -1 2/5. -4/5...........

*Hallar el primer termino "a" de una progresión aritmétrica sabiendo que el 11° termino es 10 y la razón 1/2

*Hallar la razón "r" de una progresión aritmetica cuyo primer término es -3/4 y el 8° termino 3 1/8

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Palabras en ingles: Illegal Assist potential non profit organization rural hush technology Healthcare innovative software resolver: 1.- forbidden by law ___________________________________________________________________ 2.-To help or support ___________________________________________________________________ 3.-System for addressing the physical healht of a population ___________________________________________________________________ 4.-New, advanced, or original ___________________________________________________________________ 5.- Possibility ___________________________________________________________________ 6.- the sciencie of using tods and complex machines to make human life easier or more profitable____________________________________________________________ 7.-Buying, selling, or exchanging of goods and services ____________________________________________________________ 8.-Business that uses surplus funds to pursue it goals,not to makey money ____________________________________________________________ 9.-Having to do with country life, or areas with few residents____________________________________________________________ 10.-electronic programs of code that tell computers what to do. ____________________________________________________________ Write five senteces using five works that you found in exercise A above ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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