Robię przyjęcie żeby świętować zakończenie moich egzaminów, mam zaprosić przyjaciół i spróbować uwzględnić trochę słów takich jak : chill out, cash, guys, place czyli np tylko dwa logiczne ;d Napisać reason for the party, gdzie i kiedy się odbywa przyjęcie, jakie bd rozrywki oraz jedzenie. Proszę o pomoc i abyście mi to fajnie napisali bo ja noga jestem z angola ;/
INVITATION I'm happily intitating you for my party. We will celebrate passing my all exams. The party will take place in my garden at 25th September 2013 and it starts at 18:00 o'clock. You will be able to chill out at the party. There'll be some atractions like fireworks, concert of famous star. You will be able to try food from all over the world (e.g chinese, italian, french and more). You can bring some guys who like having fun and enjoy freedom. Organizer
I'm happily intitating you for my party. We will celebrate passing my all exams. The party will take place in my garden at 25th September 2013 and it starts at 18:00 o'clock. You will be able to chill out at the party. There'll be some atractions like fireworks, concert of famous star. You will be able to try food from all over the world (e.g chinese, italian, french and more). You can bring some guys who like having fun and enjoy freedom.