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TRADUCIR sin utilizar google traductor (Me daré cuenta) 30 puntos Gallegos Rómulo was born in Caracas. August 2, 1884. He began his career as a teacher and from 1912 to 1929 he headed various secondary schools, in 1929 he became senator under The Gómez regime but soon resigned and lived in voluntary exile in Spain until Gómez death in 1935, upon his return he held the post of minister of education for a time. He was presidential candidate 1941. In the first universally democratic election held in our country. He became president. Feb 15. 1948, but his liberalism antagonized conservatives and he was ousted by the army. Nov, 24, 1948. His literary interests were evident in the short stories which he wrote between 1909 and 1920, when his first novel "Reinaldo Solar", appeared. He also wrote La Trepadora (1925). "Doña Barbara" (1929) (English translation) Cantaclaro (1931). Canaima (1954). Pobre Negro (1937) and Sobre La Misma Tierra (1943) Although Doña Barbara a story of the conflict of civilization and barbarism in the wild back country of Venezuela, is Gallegos best known work it is perphaps not the finiest example of his artistry. The symbolic nature of characters and their tendency to be puppets of the authors is ideas rather than convincing human begins seem al times to apparent Cantaclaro however demonstrated Gallegos full novelistie artistry. Its hero is wandering "llanero" or plainsman, who has received the name of Cantaclaro, for this almost legendary skill in minstrelsy. Although it is lacking in plot, the novel unifies the epic wanderings and adventures of its hero by superb lyrical evocation of man's existence of the immense Venezuelan llanos. Don Rómulo Gallegos is considered as one of the greatest of the Latin America novels. He died in Caracas. April 4. 1969 Where was Gallego born? When did he become president of our country? What was his first novel? What is his best known work? Why is Cantaclaro important? How is Gallegos considered? Who was Gallegos?

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