7 Przeczytaj tekst. Uzupełnij luki w zdaniach 1-3 zgodnie z treścią tekstu. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie dwa wyrazy. Zapisz odpowiedzi w zeszycie. zdania sciwy opis, HOUSE FOR SALE ing • Situated in the centre of Brighton, a few minutes walk from the seaside. . Train stop and bus stop 3 minutes away from ock 's the house. • Quiet neighbourhood with lots of trees and ops green areas. . Sports facilities available in the neighbourhood. No traffic jams. fields shere It's c er. ler. ? ? 1 The house is located in a place called ? 2 The beach is not ? the house. 3 A good place for people who like ? because there are many green areas.