7 Przeczytaj tekst. Uzupełnij każdą lukę (1–5) jednym wyrazem, tak aby powstał spójny i logiczny tekst. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność gramatyczna i ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów. Because my family moved around a lot when I was younger, I had to attend a variety of schools. Some were very traditional in the sense that (1) __________ information and being able to reproduce texts word-for-word were important. I also (2) __________ a couple of alternative schools, where students were allowed to choose their subjects, and where (3) __________ were based on participation and enthusiasm. The trouble was that I had never (4) __________ to the same school for more than a year, so when we moved back to the UK, I finally had a chance to settle down. I love my new school. It’s quite traditional, but we work (5) __________ on a lot of projects, which helps me get to know people and fit in with the group.
Because my family moved around a lot when I was younger, I had to attend a variety of schools. Some were very traditional in the sense that (1) storing/retaining/memorizing information and being able to reproduce texts word-for-word were important. I also (2) attended/went to a couple of alternative schools, where students were allowed to choose their subjects, and where (3) grades were based on participation and enthusiasm. The trouble was that I had never (4) gone to the same school for more than a year, so when we moved back to the UK, I finally had a chance to settle down. I love my new school. It’s quite traditional, but we work (5) together/in groups on a lot of projects, which helps me get to know people and fit in with the group.
Because my family moved around a lot when I was younger, I had to attend a variety of schools. Some were very traditional in the sense that (1) storing/retaining/memorizing information and being able to reproduce texts word-for-word were important. I also (2) attended/went to a couple of alternative schools, where students were allowed to choose their subjects, and where (3) grades were based on participation and enthusiasm. The trouble was that I had never (4) gone to the same school for more than a year, so when we moved back to the UK, I finally had a chance to settle down. I love my new school. It’s quite traditional, but we work (5) together/in groups on a lot of projects, which helps me get to know people and fit in with the group.