July 2023 1 7 Report
7 Complete the sentences. Use the past simple or past continuous form of the verbs in brackets. (lay) the table, then my dad (bring) in the food. (meet) at the outhouse: she (come out), and I am 1 2 We 3 The heating. 4 First, Oliver. he (put) them away. 61 (go in (not work) when I (fold) all the clothes. The (get) home from school. (iron) his shirts and 5 The children adults was nowhere for me to sit. (lie) on the rugs, and the (use) all the armchairs, so the (see) my neighbour while I (take out) the rubbish. - 7 We (not listen) while Mum (explain) about the washing machine, so we (not know) how to put it on. ​

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