October 2018 2 41 Report

6. W każdym rzędzie wykreśl wyraz, który nie pasuje do pozostałych.(1 pkt za każdą poprawną odpowiedź = 6 pkt) 1. straight dark slim wavy 2. rice boil roast fry 3. cottage village apartment flat 4. squash tennis hockey bike 5. stealing begging mugging shoplifting 6. test coursebook marks pet

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7.Przeczytaj tekst i zdecyduj, czy poniższe zdania są prawdziwe (True), czy fałszywe (False). Wstaw krzyżyk do odpowiedniej kratki.. Uzasadnij odpowiedź podkreślając odpowiednie zdanie w tekście. When a lot of students come back from their summer holidays to begin a new year at school or university, many others decide to have a longer holiday and spend a year out of school. This idea is commonly known as the ‘gap year’ and unfortunately, it still is not as popular with Polish teenagers as it is with young people in England.Although some students decide to have their gap year during their university course, it is most common for young people to have their break from studying just after they finish their secondary education. They take their A-level exams and start thinking of spending a year out of any educational institutions.But why do they do this? There are several answers but most commonly students want to do things they can’t do when they start their studies. While some want to get some experience of working abroad, others decide to look for adventure. Some of these young people also think of studying a foreign language or doing voluntary work in exotic countries. Such experience may be very useful in the future when they look for a job with multinational companies, which prefer candidates who already know how to communicate with people from other cultures.Studies also show that taking a gap year is good for your personality and makes you more determined and hard-working. Students who take their gap year usually do very well at university and they almost always complete their studies.However, if you decide to take a year off studying, you must think about lots of things, and preparation is extremely important. This time it is not the same as packing for a two-week holiday, because it sometimes takes weeks to make all the necessary arrangements before you are ready to enjoy your time far away from school. TRUE FALSE 1. Taking a gap year is more popular in England than in Poland. 2. Most students take their gap year during their studies at university. 3. Young people take their gap year for different reasons. 4. Some employers look for people who have some experience abroad. 5. Students who take a gap year often have problems studying. 6. You don’t need a long time to prepare for the gap year.

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