Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi (A–C) wybierz właściwą, tak aby otrzymać logiczny i poprawny tekst. (…../6)
The islands were beautiful but no-one wanted to live there. Every year, 1 ________blew in from the sea. The strong winds destroyed houses and caused damage to the boats in the harbour. People learned to live with these problems but now, 2 ________ warming had raised the sea level and there were more and more 3_________ . Houses were left underwater and people had to move away from the coast. In addition, the trees on the island had been cut 4 _________ and nothing would 5 ________ in their place. The island was turning into a desert and now, an oil 6 ________ had killed many of the fish that the islanders lived on.
A hurricanes B tsunamis C earthquakes A fossil B global C greenhouse A droughts B floods C famines A up B out C down A grow B plant C work A waste B effect C spill