Napisz list (ok. 100 słów) udzielający porady koleżance, która chce schudnąć. Wykorzystaj poniższy plan:
(para 1)-expres your sympathy, offer help.
(para2)-give your advice (e.g. leave car at home/walk to work/eat fruit and vegetables/less junk food/join fitness club/take up/sport)
(para3)-end your letter (e.g. hope/advice/help you/write soon)
Blockbuster - Jenny Dooley-Virginia Evans
Student-s Book
zad 10/55
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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dear ...
Regular physical activity
For those with an excess of pounds of the most spectacular form of exercise will be appropriately matched the efforts of aerobic (oxygen), such as jogging, brisk walking, jogging, cycling.
These exercises should be performed at a moderate, uniform pace. Dany effort can be considered effective if its duration is minimalnie.15-20 min. When selecting the appropriate exercise intensity can be very useful measure your heart rate, which will determine whether the demand for oxygen to working muscles is properly covered.
Reduce calorie intake
However, avoid a drastic reduction in calorie intake.
In a word, less food more exercise
mogą być bledy bo nie wiedzialam jak pare slow napisach ale poradzisz sobie z tym :) tyle wystarczy mysle ;] ;d