January 2019 2 15 Report
5. Suatu tabung kaca berisi air. Jari - jari alas dan tinggi tabung berturut turut 6 cm dan 21 cm. Ke dalam tabung dimasukkan 3 bola besi, masing - masing berjari - jari 3. Kenaikan tinggi air dalam tabung adalah..
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Fill in the blank with all (of); both(of) each, every, none(of) 1. .......... people need oxygen to survive 2. .......... boys are my friends, they are Dimas and Rafly 3. .......... student must tudy hard 4. There are two girls, ....... girl is wearing new shoes 5. There are 26 students in the class....... them are doing an English test There are students in the class. They are studying English......(6)....... the students are doing exercise. (7)............ student is opening the dictionary. (8)....... the students are sleeping. (9)...... Tomy and his friend are smart students. (10)...... boy always get 100 in all subject. (11)..... my parents are doctors (12)...... students must not smoke in class Tina, Wina, Santi, and Rudi are in the class. (13)...... them are discussing mathematic. They speak seriously. (14)..... them are singing. (15)..... students is doing the exercise seriously. Fill in the blank by completing with the words in the right column! 1. .............. was at Michael's birthday party last night 2. .......... believes me even I have told the truth 3. If you have a problem, .......... will help you 4. Medy can't find.....to talk with him 5. Baseball caps come from America, but people wear them ...... 6. Would you like to eat..... tonight? 7. Masha didn't go..... yesterday 8. Jane was sick last night, but...... is OK now 9. There's........ outside the door 10. "Did you find your wallet? No. there's.... here" everybody Someone Anywhere something Everything Nothing Everywhere Nobody Anyone Somewhere

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