5 contoh kalimat regular verb (kata kerja beraturan) dan arti ny
1. All members have worked hard since yesterday. (Semua anggota telah bekerja keras sejak kemarin.) 2. Every candidate made a fatal mistake. (Setiap kandidat membuat satu kesalahan fatal.) 3. The technician usually checks the projector and the audio system before every presentation. (Teknisi biasanya mengecek proyektor danaudio system sebelum setipa presentasi.) 4. Vina and her brother work in the same office. (Vina dan saudaranya bekerja di kantor yang sama.)
(Semua anggota telah bekerja keras sejak kemarin.)
2. Every candidate made a fatal mistake.
(Setiap kandidat membuat satu kesalahan fatal.)
3. The technician usually checks the projector and the audio system before every presentation.
(Teknisi biasanya mengecek proyektor danaudio system sebelum setipa presentasi.)
4. Vina and her brother work in the same office.
(Vina dan saudaranya bekerja di kantor yang sama.)