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MARIA SKŁODOWSKA-CURIE urodziła się 7 listopada 1867 roku w Warszawie. Kształciła się początkowo na pensji prywatnej, a następnie w gimnazjum rządowym w Warszawie, które ukończyła w 1883 roku ze złotym medalem. W latach 1884-1891 pracowała jako nauczycielka domowa oraz uczęszczała na Kursy Naukowe w pracowniach Muzeum Przemysłu i Rolnictwa w Warszawie W 1891 roku wyjechała do Paryża i podjęła studia na Sorbonie. W 1893 roku uzyskała licencjat nauk fizycznych, a w rok później - matematycznych. W 1895 roku poślubiła francuskiego fizyka - Piotra Curie. W 1898 roku Maria i Piotr Curie odkryli dwa pierwiastki promieniotwórcze: polon i rad przez co uzyskała doktorat nauk fizycznych oraz wraz mężem i Henrykiem Becquerelem wyróżniona została nagrodą Nobla w dziedzinie fizyki. Za wyodrębnienie radu w postaci metalicznej otrzymała w 1911 roku nagrodę Nobla w dziedzinie chemii. Wielka Uczona zmarła dnia 4 lipca 1934 roku we Francji na skutek choroby spowodowanej długoletnią pracą z substancjami promieniotwórczymi. Pochowana została wraz z mężem w rodzinnym grobie w Sceaux. Curie spoczęła jako pierwsza kobieta i pierwsza osoba urodzona poza Francją, uhonorowana za własne zasługi, pośród najznamienitszych Francuzów.
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Marie Curie was born on November 7, 1867 in Warsaw. She studied at an initial salary of private and government in high school in Warsaw, from which she graduated in 1883 with a gold medal. In the years 1884-1891 she worked as a teacher of home and attended courses in the studios of Science Museum of Industry and Agriculture in Warsaw In 1891, she moved to Paris and began his studies at the Sorbonne. In 1893, she received a bachelor of physical science, and a year later - math. In 1895, she married French physicist - Pierre Curie. In 1898, Marie and Pierre Curie discovered two radioactive elements polonium and radium thus received a doctorate of physical science, and with her husband and Henri Becquerel was awarded the Nobel Prize in physics. The isolation of radium in metallic form in 1911 received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. United The scientist died on July 4, 1934 in France due to illness caused by long-term work with radioactive substances. She was buried with her husband in the family plot in Sceaux. Rested Curie became the first woman and the first person born outside France, honored for their achievements, among the most prominent French.
Marie Curie was born on November 7, 1867 in Warsaw. She studied at an initial salary of private and government in high school in Warsaw, from which she graduated in 1883 with a gold medal. In the years 1884-1891 she worked as a teacher of home and attended courses in the studios of Science Museum of Industry and Agriculture in Warsaw In 1891, she moved to Paris and began his studies at the Sorbonne. In 1893, she received a bachelor of physical science, and a year later - math. In 1895, she married French physicist - Pierre Curie. In 1898, Marie and Pierre Curie discovered two radioactive elements polonium and radium thus received a doctorate of physical science, and with her husband and Henri Becquerel was awarded the Nobel Prize in physics. The isolation of radium in metallic form in 1911 received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. United The scientist died on July 4, 1934 in France due to illness caused by long-term work with radioactive substances. She was buried with her husband in the family plot in Sceaux. Rested Curie became the first woman and the first person born outside France, honored for their achievements, among the most prominent French.