4 Przeczytaj tekst. Odpowiedz na pytania 1-3 zgodnie z treścią tekstu. Uzupełnij zdania, wpisując w luki swoje odpowiedzi. My Eco Friendly Life by Oskar Nowak We're learning about the environment at school at the moment and last week my class did a park clean-up. There's a small park near my school and it was full of rubbish. There were bottles on the grass and plastic bags in the trees. We collected all the rubbish and put it into rubbish bags. We're also trying to be very eco-friendly at home. We always recycle plastic, food waste and tin cans. I never get plastic bags at the supermarket - I always bring a bag from home. We're using public transport more because we want to save petrol. It's difficult, though, because we live 10 kilometres from the nearest town and there aren't many buses. Sometimes my brother and I ride our bikes to school but when it's raining we go in our dad's car. My family also tries to save electricity. We always turn off the lights when we leave a room and I turn off my computer after I've finished my homework. 1 What did Oskar's class do with the rubbish in the park? The class 2 How is Oskar eco-friendly at the supermarket? Oskar never 3 Why is it difficult for Oskar to use public transport? Because he
1. The class is collected all the rubbish and put it into rubbish bags. 2. Oskar is never get plastic bags. 3. Because he live 10 kilometres from the nearest town and there aren’t many buses. Mam nadzieję że pomogłam :)