May 2022 1 14 Report
4. 2.30 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie fragment audioprzewodnika. Na podstawie informacji zawartych w nagraniu odpowiedz krótko na pytania. Odpowiedz w języku angielskim

1. What kind of work art is the speaker describing?

2. Where does Pigcasso live?

3. How many works of art has Pigasso sold?

Welcome to the online exhibition of unusual art, click on each picture to hear more information. Here we have an amazing picture which was created by Picasso, the painting Pig. Pigcasso has got an interesting story, she was saved by an animal rescue worker who gave her some paint and paint brushes to play with. It looks like she's got real talent, of course, she's called Picasso because of the famous painter and sculptor Pablo Picasso. But Pigcasso's works of art are quite different she doesn't paint portraits or make sculptures, she just paints abstract pictures. This one, which you can see is a landscape that was produced on the beach near Picasso's home in South Africa. The painting pig has already sold 44 paintings, the most expensive one was sold recently for more than 1700 pounds. I'm sure her owner must be really proud of her. Please click on another picture for more information.

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