3Wyobraź sobie, że jesteś na zakupach. Wyślij wiadomość do kolegi lub koleżanki.
What shop are you in? Who are you with? What are you going to buy? Where are you going to go next? What’s your favourite shop?
What shop are you in? I'm in Tesco. Who are you with? I'm with my mom. What are you going to buy? I'm going to buy a some an apple and tomatoes. Where are you going go next? I'm going go to my grandpa with my mum. What's your favourite shop? My favourite shop is (Tu wpisz swój ulubiony sklep np. Lidl)
Who are you with? I'm with my mom.
What are you going to buy? I'm going to buy a some an apple and tomatoes.
Where are you going go next? I'm going go to my grandpa with my mum.
What's your favourite shop? My favourite shop is (Tu wpisz swój ulubiony sklep np. Lidl)