300 palabras de lo q se iso el fin de semana :v (en ingles
- watch TV -Play xbox -sleep -eat -paint -draw -sing -cook with my mom -dance -go to the park -watch movies -listen to music -stay in the bed -make homeworks -talk with my friends -watch series -play "secret friend" -watch videos -YouTube -Google -play in the computer -watch anime -read manga -read books -swim -take photos -solve math problems -check out my facebook -buy new clothes -play Minecraft -print images -organize my bedroom -make a party -pizza -go to the house of my best friend -skate -pool -dinner -gift
-Play xbox
-cook with my mom
-go to the park
-watch movies
-listen to music
-stay in the bed
-make homeworks
-talk with my friends
-watch series
-play "secret friend"
-watch videos
-play in the computer
-watch anime
-read manga
-read books
-take photos
-solve math problems
-check out my facebook
-buy new clothes
-play Minecraft
-print images
-organize my bedroom
-make a party
-go to the house of my best friend