November 2018 1 14 Report

3. Ile wynosi przyspieszenie grawitacyjne na planecie, której masa jest 3 razy mniejsza niż masa Ziemi, a promień jest 2 razy większy niż promień Ziemi.

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(present simple lub present continuous) uzupełnij wykropkowane pola poprawną formą słów z nawiasów Do you worship celebrities? Do you wake up every night thinking of your favourite singer? Or do you wonder what a TV presenter ...(have) for breakfast in the morning? If so, you may have a newly identified psychological condition: Celebrity Worship Syndrome (CWS). Following a recent study, psychologists at the University of Leicester now... (believe) that one in three of us are obsessed with celebrities and the number... (go up). One theory is that our modern lives ...(become) more and more dominated by TV and so modern celebrities often ...(take) the place of relatives, neighbours and close friends for many people. The study of around 700 people aged 18 to 60 ...(show) that there are three types of Celebrity Worship Syndrome. The largest number of people – 22 percent of the study – only ... (have) a small problem and they are likely to be extroverts with a passion for talking about their chosen celebrity. Another 12 percent have an intense personal type of relationship with their idol, while the third group, with the most extreme CWS,... (think) their celebrity knows them. These people are often introverts, antisocial and insensitive. Fortunately, most people’s interest in the rich and famous is perfectly normal and healthy. Dr John Maltby of Leicester University says, ‘It is not necessarily a bad thing. Many people are interested in celebrities. 'However,' says Dr Maltby, ‘We ... (begin) to define CWS for the first time and research is suggesting that, generally, people with CWS ...(replace) normal relationships with these fantasy relationships.’

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