1 . owl Snowy owls or nyctea scandiaca are large prey birds , they are diurnal . wich means they are active duting the daya instead of night. Snowy owls breed in remote areas or artic and sub artic regions mostly north amerika.as their name suggests snowy owls heve dark white feathers with dark brown markings. Their feathers are thick covering even its leg and feet. They weigh around 1,6 kg to 2 kg and they stand about half a meter tall with the wing span 2 meter. They have around white head a black claw. 2. Mango Mango Mangifera indica is classified as, mango trees grow well in tropical countries, they grow mainly in lowland diegrees temperatureof23 to 26 Celsius. The mango tree is very big and tall. also rounded crowns of mango trees. dark green leaf color ins. Mango tree mango fruit has a hard rod, wich can hang from every branch, mature in about two to three months. sometimes also yellow waxy skin. sweet meat. very tasty when ripe sweet taste the mango juice drink normally use, in addition to make mango juice can also be made so if the fruit salad like in Indonesia, the fruit vendors on the roadside. 3. Thunder Lightning Lightning is a sudden shock, very fast and the electric force between the cloud and ground, or from cloud to cloud. the speed of lightning, or thunder, can be several miles long. It is so hot, with average temperatures of 34,000 ° Celsius, that the surrounding air suddenly expands with a loud explosion, and sounds. This is what we hear thunder. Lightning occurs in hot, basah.saat rain storms, humid air is driven up to a great height. This is a type of cloud called cumulonimbus. When the cloud rises high enough, the moisture freezes and ice crystals formed and snowfl akes. It began to fall, turning to rain on the way down. This meet is more humid rainy How air, and it is the friction between those who generate static electricity. When the cloud is fully charged with electricity, it will be discarded as a flash of lightning. so lightning suddenly appear with the rain and the sounds are very loud and luminous.