Potrzebuję pomocy z angielskiego na teraz. Daję naj
Napisz maila po angielsku gdzie: Zapraszasz koleżankę do domu -macie spędzić pracowity weekend (bussy) -macie zorganizować imprezę charytatywną w waszej szkole -wspólnie opracujcie plan na tą imprezę aby wygenerować pieniądze dla domu dziecka
Co ma być zawarte w mailu Zbieranie pluszaków, malowanie obrazków do sprzedaży, przyniesienie 2/3 ciast zrobionych przez wasze mamy które będziecie sprzedawać na kawałki.
I hope you're doing well. I wanted to invite you over to my house this weekend for a busy but productive time. We're planning to organize a charity event in our school and I thought it would be a great opportunity for us to work together on this project.
We're planning to collect stuffed animals, paint pictures to sell, and bring 2-3 cakes made by our moms to sell by the slice. I think we can generate a lot of money for the children's home if we work together and come up with a solid plan.
Let me know if you're interested and we can discuss the details further. Looking forward to hearing back from you soon!
I hope you're doing well. I wanted to invite you over to my house this weekend for a busy but productive time. We're planning to organize a charity event in our school and I thought it would be a great opportunity for us to work together on this project.
We're planning to collect stuffed animals, paint pictures to sell, and bring 2-3 cakes made by our moms to sell by the slice. I think we can generate a lot of money for the children's home if we work together and come up with a solid plan.
Let me know if you're interested and we can discuss the details further. Looking forward to hearing back from you soon!
Best, [Your Name]