3. Based on the dialogue above, who is the member of school jurnalism ? 4. What is Bintang opinion about cycling as part of reducing global warming effect ? 5. What Fajar think about the bike facilities in big cities ?
Tolong dijawab dengan benar no 1 - 5 yang reading. Materi tentang Suggestion of Opinion.
3 ) Bintang 4 ) opinion fajar itu bukan bintang. ,jawabannya : he think its a good idea,cycling is very good, not only for our health,but it also for the earth itself 5) he think,government should make a bike friendly-city
4 ) opinion fajar itu bukan bintang.
,jawabannya : he think its a good idea,cycling is very good, not only for our health,but it also for the earth itself
5) he think,government should make a bike friendly-city