21. Contoh aktivitas manusia yang berdampak positif adalah ...., ... dan .....
22. Air limbah adalah contoh dari .... polusi.
23. Dampak positif penggunaan iptek adalah ....
21. inindonesian:
Tindakan manusia yang berdampak positif terhadap kelestarian air
•Membuat daerah resapan air.
•Melakukan reboisasi atau penanaman kembali.
•Menjaga kelestarian pohon.
•Enggak mencemari lingkungan.
•Menggunakan air secukupnya.
•Membuang sampah pada tempatnya.
•Menggunakan produk yang ramah lingkungan.
•Mendaur ulang sampah.
Human actions that have a positive impact on water sustainability
Human actions that have a positive impact on water sustainability • Creating a water catchment area.
Human actions that have a positive impact on water sustainability • Creating a water catchment area. • Perform reforestation or replanting.
Human actions that have a positive impact on water sustainability • Creating a water catchment area. • Perform reforestation or replanting. • Maintain tree sustainability.
Human actions that have a positive impact on water sustainability • Creating a water catchment area. • Perform reforestation or replanting. • Maintain tree sustainability. • Do not pollute the environment.
Human actions that have a positive impact on water sustainability • Creating a water catchment area. • Perform reforestation or replanting. • Maintain tree sustainability. • Do not pollute the environment. • Use enough water.
Human actions that have a positive impact on water sustainability • Creating a water catchment area. • Perform reforestation or replanting. • Maintain tree sustainability. • Do not pollute the environment. • Use enough water. •Throw garbage in its place.
Human actions that have a positive impact on water sustainability • Creating a water catchment area. • Perform reforestation or replanting. • Maintain tree sustainability. • Do not pollute the environment. • Use enough water. •Throw garbage in its place. • Using environmentally friendly products.
Human actions that have a positive impact on water sustainability • Creating a water catchment area. • Perform reforestation or replanting. • Maintain tree sustainability. • Do not pollute the environment. • Use enough water. •Throw garbage in its place. • Using environmentally friendly products. • Recycle waste.
22. inindonesian:
Air limbah adalah contoh dari bentuk polusi
Wastewater is an example of a form of pollution
23.in indonesian:
bidang informasi dan komunikasi, yaitu:
bidang informasi dan komunikasi, yaitu:a. Menambah efektifvitas dan efisiensi dalam interaksi sosial masyarakat
bidang informasi dan komunikasi, yaitu:a. Menambah efektifvitas dan efisiensi dalam interaksi sosial masyarakatb. Menciptakan profesi baru dan lapangan kerja baru
bidang informasi dan komunikasi, yaitu:a. Menambah efektifvitas dan efisiensi dalam interaksi sosial masyarakatb. Menciptakan profesi baru dan lapangan kerja baruc. Meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan
in english:
information and communication, namely:
information and communication, namely: a. Adding effectiveness and efficiency in social interactions
information and communication, namely: a. Adding effectiveness and efficiency in social interactions b. Creating new professions and new jobs
information and communication, namely: a. Adding effectiveness and efficiency in social interactions b. Creating new professions and new jobs c. Improve the quality of education
21. Contoh aktivitas manusia yang berdampak positif adalah ...., ... dan .....
22. Air limbah adalah contoh dari .... polusi.
23. Dampak positif penggunaan iptek adalah ....
21. in indonesian:
Tindakan manusia yang berdampak positif terhadap kelestarian air
•Membuat daerah resapan air.
•Melakukan reboisasi atau penanaman kembali.
•Menjaga kelestarian pohon.
•Enggak mencemari lingkungan.
•Menggunakan air secukupnya.
•Membuang sampah pada tempatnya.
•Menggunakan produk yang ramah lingkungan.
•Mendaur ulang sampah.
in english:
Human actions that have a positive impact on water sustainability
Human actions that have a positive impact on water sustainability • Creating a water catchment area.
Human actions that have a positive impact on water sustainability • Creating a water catchment area. • Perform reforestation or replanting.
Human actions that have a positive impact on water sustainability • Creating a water catchment area. • Perform reforestation or replanting. • Maintain tree sustainability.
Human actions that have a positive impact on water sustainability • Creating a water catchment area. • Perform reforestation or replanting. • Maintain tree sustainability. • Do not pollute the environment.
Human actions that have a positive impact on water sustainability • Creating a water catchment area. • Perform reforestation or replanting. • Maintain tree sustainability. • Do not pollute the environment. • Use enough water.
Human actions that have a positive impact on water sustainability • Creating a water catchment area. • Perform reforestation or replanting. • Maintain tree sustainability. • Do not pollute the environment. • Use enough water. •Throw garbage in its place.
Human actions that have a positive impact on water sustainability • Creating a water catchment area. • Perform reforestation or replanting. • Maintain tree sustainability. • Do not pollute the environment. • Use enough water. •Throw garbage in its place. • Using environmentally friendly products.
Human actions that have a positive impact on water sustainability • Creating a water catchment area. • Perform reforestation or replanting. • Maintain tree sustainability. • Do not pollute the environment. • Use enough water. •Throw garbage in its place. • Using environmentally friendly products. • Recycle waste.
22. in indonesian:
Air limbah adalah contoh dari bentuk polusi
in english:
Wastewater is an example of a form of pollution
23. in indonesian:
bidang informasi dan komunikasi, yaitu:
bidang informasi dan komunikasi, yaitu:a. Menambah efektifvitas dan efisiensi dalam interaksi sosial masyarakat
bidang informasi dan komunikasi, yaitu:a. Menambah efektifvitas dan efisiensi dalam interaksi sosial masyarakatb. Menciptakan profesi baru dan lapangan kerja baru
bidang informasi dan komunikasi, yaitu:a. Menambah efektifvitas dan efisiensi dalam interaksi sosial masyarakatb. Menciptakan profesi baru dan lapangan kerja baruc. Meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan
in english:
information and communication, namely:
information and communication, namely: a. Adding effectiveness and efficiency in social interactions
information and communication, namely: a. Adding effectiveness and efficiency in social interactions b. Creating new professions and new jobs
information and communication, namely: a. Adding effectiveness and efficiency in social interactions b. Creating new professions and new jobs c. Improve the quality of education