Introduction: I consider that the most important thing when making a trip or visit to another place, the first thing is to know a little about the place through the internet, second to have a guide type that helps you to know the place better and third to be very careful with the materials that you carry, be it smartphones, cameras and always be careful when carrying your backpack or suitcase
Popular place: commercial Intriago
Gift: All kinds of things, jewelry, kitchen utensils, sweets and toys
Prices: All kinids of prices, it depends on what is bought
Advice: Let them visit the commercial Intriago since you can find all kinds of things at very favorable prices, and if you need a dollar to buy the gift, don't worry at the commercial Intriago you can haggle at better prices.
solo tenían que ubicar un lugar de su ciudad donde mas se frecuenten las compras de regalos, y hablar sobre el y sus precios.
Verified answer
Introduction: I consider that the most important thing when making a trip or visit to another place, the first thing is to know a little about the place through the internet, second to have a guide type that helps you to know the place better and third to be very careful with the materials that you carry, be it smartphones, cameras and always be careful when carrying your backpack or suitcase
Popular place: commercial Intriago
Gift: All kinds of things, jewelry, kitchen utensils, sweets and toys
Prices: All kinids of prices, it depends on what is bought
Advice: Let them visit the commercial Intriago since you can find all kinds of things at very favorable prices, and if you need a dollar to buy the gift, don't worry at the commercial Intriago you can haggle at better prices.
solo tenían que ubicar un lugar de su ciudad donde mas se frecuenten las compras de regalos, y hablar sobre el y sus precios.