A) Uczysz sie w szkole międzynarodowej, własnie wróciłeś z konkursu naukowego ktory wygrałes. Chcesz przekazac tą inf. Nauczycielowi. Poinformuj go o wygranym konkursie i podziejuj za pomoc w przygotowaniu do konkursu.
B) Spędzasz lato u rodziny w Irlandii. Od 2 tyg. Jesteś wolontariuszem w schronisku dla zwierzat. Szefowa poprosila cie abys podzielił sie wrażeniami z dotychczasowej pracy oraz sugestie. Napisz NOTATKE W KTOREJ: -Opowiesz o wrazeniach -Opiszesz swoja trudna sytuacje -Zasugerujesz hak zachecic do adopcji zwierząt.
I have just come back with science competition which I won! I`m really happy. I want to help for teachme.
How are you?
I`m writting to you becaule I have been volunteer for a few days in animal shelter. I`m rally glad. It is fantastic. I look for dogs. I can`t money, so I decided that it will be helpfuf for me because I I earnsome money. I think that you can adoptan animal. You will come here. See you soon.
Dear techer
I have just come back with science competition which I won! I`m really happy. I want to help for teachme.
How are you?
I`m writting to you becaule I have been volunteer for a few days in animal shelter. I`m rally glad. It is fantastic. I look for dogs. I can`t money, so I decided that it will be helpfuf for me because I I earnsome money. I think that you can adoptan animal. You will come here. See you soon.