2. Buatlah 5 kalimat { Phrases ( Adjective Phrases) } 3. Ubahlah kalimat yang telah dibuat menjadi which dan who { Clause ( Adjective Clause) } seperti contoh : - Phrases ( The box on the desk is mine. ) - Clause ( The box which is on the desk is mine. )
The toys on the desk is mine the marble on the ground is mine the tv on the table is mine the telefon on the tablle is mine the laptop on chair is mine
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kalimatnya ga harus is mine semua, pake kata lain. dan juga ga harus kata benda semua bisa dengan kata menunjukkan orang karena nnti di ubah menjadi which/who. bantuin buat kalimat lagi dong, aku ga bisa buat kalimat sendiri.. mnta tlong bntuin yaa. tugasny dikmpulin besok
seperti contoh kalimat di buku : 1. the girl with that woman is an orphan. 2. the boy next to Anno is a genius student. 3. A book on cooking is interesting. gituu contohny, tpi aku ga bisa buat kalimat sendiri.. bantuin dongg
maaf blom di ajari masih klass 7 tp klo cuman seperti di contoh bisa..
the marble on the ground is mine
the tv on the table is mine
the telefon on the tablle is mine
the laptop on chair is mine