October 2018 1 37 Report

1.Znając wartościowości pierwiastków tworzących związek chemiczny napisz jego nazwę systemową,ustal wzór sumaryczny oraz podaj wzór strukturalny związku:

a)Fe(III) i O(II)

b)Cu(I) i S(II)

c)Sn(IV) i Cl(I)

d)S(VI) i O(II)

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Proszę o przetłumaczenie:1.Chciałbym dobrze mówić po angielsku.I'd like ................................................................ .2.Dobrze wyglądasz w tej fryzurze.This hairstyle makes............................................. .3.Szukamy kogoś,kto dobrze tańczy.We're looking for someone................................................ .4.Nic nie smakuje tak dobrze,jak czekoladowe ciasto mojej babci.Nothing ............................................................... my grandma's chocolate cake.5.Jeśli wszystko dobrze pójdzie,nasza drużyna powinna ich pokonać.If all ............................................................... ,our team should beat theirs.6.W przeszłości ludzie bardzo ciężko pracowali przez całe życie.In the past people ................................................. all their lives.7.Bardzo spodobał mi się Poznań.I ..................................................................................... .8.Bardzo mi pomogłeś,dziękuje.Thank you.You helped ............................................................................. .9.Wydaliśmy bardzo mało pieniędzy.We've ............................................................................ money.10.Było tak głośno,że nie mogliśmy rozmawiać.It was ................................................................... talk.11.Wolę iść na piechotę,niż jechać taksówką.I prefer .............................................................. going by taxi.12.Martin jest trochę lepszy z matematyki niż ja.Martin is ............................................................... I am.13.Ta książka jest inna niż te,które dotąd czytałem.This book is .............................................................. the ones I've read so far.14.Mój pokój wygląda tak samo jak rok temu.My room looks .................................................................. it did last year.15.Joanna zachowuje się jak gwiazda filmowa.Joanna behaves ................................................................. .Jeszcze raz proszę o pomoc ;)
Uzupełnij zdania tak,aby drugie zdanie wyrażało treść zdania pierwszego.D1.Despite the bad weather,the trip to the cliffs was great fun.Although........................................ I enjoyed the trip to the cliffs.2.You mustn't ride a bike in the park.You aren't...................................... a bike in the park.3.I've never met a nicer person than Susan.Susan........................................ person I've ever met.4.If you don't tell us who did it,we'll have to call your parents.We'll have to call your parents unless.................................. who did it.5.They will carry out all the repairs during the night.All the repairs ........................................ during the night.E1.How about going to that Greek restaurant?Shall.................................... to that Greek restaurant?2.The film is so good that I've seen it five times.This is .................................... film that I've seen it five times.3.Does it hurt?asked the doctor.The doctor asked me........................................... .4.This is my first flight.I.................................. before.5.I think you should call the police.If I were ............................................ call the police.F1.It was necessary for us to check in our luggage.We............................................. check in our luggage.2.I'm not as slim as my sister.My sister is......................................... am.3.There was no milk in the fridge.There wasn't ...................................................... in the fridge.4.The lift stopped working a moment ago.The lift has ................................................ down.5.Did you like the play?he asked.He wanted to............................................... liked the play.Zad.Uzupełnij zdania,wykorzystując podane w nawiasach wyrazy w odpowied.formie.Nie zmieniaj kolejności podanych wyrazów.E1.Do you read the reviews(before/go)................................................................ theatre?2.The doctor asked me if I (sleep/good)........................................................ the night before.3.Would you buy this computer if it(be/cheap)..........................................................?4.Can you turn down the music?I (try/concentrate).................................................... .5.Do you know when(this house/build)................................................ ?It looks really old.F1.When Jessica was little,she(not like/be)................................................. at home alone.2.This is a very popular museum.(It/visit).............................................. thousands of tourists every year.3.If I don't study hard,(I/not pass).......................................... the test.4.What's(expensive/restaurant).................................................. you've ever been to?5.Marta was going to Paris when we(meet/airport)................................................. .G1.A young surfer has been(attack/shark)................................................. off the Australian coast.2.(you/decide)................................................... yet what to buy Joanna for her birthday?3.Brian's teacher says that he(be/interested)............................................ sport than studying.4.I couldn't answer the phone because I(have/shower)............................................ .5.Who(take/picture)................................................. you?It's excellent!6.We had to change our plans(because/weather)....................................................... .7.I think he should(apologise/shout)........................................................ you.
W ćwiczeniach(A-F)uzupełnij poszczególne pary zdań tak,aby drugie zdanie wyrazało treść zdania pierwszego.W każdym zdaniu brakuje maksymalnie czterech elementów.A1.She last swam in the sea two years ago.She.................................. in the sea for two years.2.I can't reach this shelf because it's too high.I'm too............................. this shelf.3.You're tired because you go to sleep too late.You wouldn't be tired if ................................. to sleep so late.4.I'll meet you outside the school,she said.She said she................................. me outside the school.5.Paramedics took care of all the injured passengers.All the injured passengers were..................................... by paramedics.B1.I haven't got as many friends as you.I've got................................ you.2.I'm sure that working at night is really hard.It must .............................. work at night.3.I can't work fast on this computer.I'd be able....................................... I had a better computer.4.The tea was too hot for me to drink.The tea was....................................I couldn't drink it.5.They have just opened a new swimming pool in my town.A new swimming pool............................... opened in my town.C1.Our teacher chose the topics for discussion.The topics for discussion................................ our teacher.2.,,Your essay is too short'',said the teacher.The teacher said that my essay........................... enough.3.Why don't we take the early train?he said.............................................. taking the early train.4.It's possible that it will snow in the afternoon.It may...................................... .5.Is this Marek's coat?Does this coat........................................... ?Błagam zróbcie te zdania plisssss!!!!!!!!!;)

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