October 2018 1 30 Report

1Zastąp ponumerowane fragmenty opisu odpowiednimi przymiotnikami tak, aby zachował znaczenie tekstu wyjściowego.
My aunt Emma (1) is only 26 years old and she (2) looks great . She (3) isn't tall (she's about 150 cm tall) but (4) she's got a wonderful figure because she keeps fit regularly. I like her because she (5) always thinks that good things will happen in the future and (6) she helps me if I ask her . She (7) smiles a lot and tells funny stories but my mum says Emma (8) doesn't like working too much . Emma is quite (1)________________, very (2)_________________, (3)______________ and (4)______________________. She's also (5)__________________, (6)_________________, (7)__________________, but a little (8)____________________.

2.My uncle Billy (1) isn’t a young man any more (he’s 62) and he isn’t a handsome man. He (2) isn’t tall and he (3) isn’t slim. He (4) hasn’t got a pretty face. But he (5) always smiles and tells funny stories. He still (6) likes doing lots of things, and (7) he’s always ready to help people. He always (8) thinks that positive things will happen in the future. Billy is quite (1)________________, (2)_________________, (3)______________ and rather (4)_____________________. But he’s (5)__________________, (6)_________________, (7)___________________, and very (8)_____________________.

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Uzupełnij zdania przymiotnikami w nawiasach. Zastosuj formy stopnia wyższego lub najwyższego.1. This party is very boring. It’s __________________ (bad) party in my life!2. I think horror films are ______________________ (interesting) than comedies.3. Peter is _____________________ (young) than his brother.4. Maths is __________________________ (difficult) subject for me.5. The first part of the book is ____________________ (good) than the other parts.6. Football is _______________________ (popular) game in Brazil.7. July is usually _____________________ (hot) month of the year.8. I think cats are _______________________ (nice) than dogs.9. This old sofa is ________________________ (comfortable) in the house.10. I usually get up ______________________ (early) than my brother. 2.Uzupeþnij ponizszy dialog. Przebywasz na obozie jezykowym w Anglii. Wspolnie rozmawiasz ze swoim wspolokatorem/swoja wsplokatorke na temat spħdzania wolnego czasu. Przeprowadz rozmowe, w ktrej:• zapytasz go/ja o ulubione formy spedzania czasu wolnego,• powiesz, co lubisz robię w czasie wolnym,• zapytasz, czy ma ochote pójść dziś wieczorem. (1)____________________________________________________________________? Your friend: I like doing lots of things: reading books, going out, listening to music. What about you? You: (2)________________________________________________________________________ By the way, (3)______________________________________________________________? Your friend: That's a great idea. I'd love to go.

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