1.what does a porcupine look like? 2.what does a giraffe look like? 3.what does a ostirch look like? #jawabnya pake b.ingg +artinya ya thanks!!
1. the porcupine looks like a ball of thorns when he was threatened. 2. the giraffe looks like tree. 3. the ostirch looks like mound.
The meaning: 1. landak terlihat seperti bola duri saat dirinya terancam. 2. jerapah terlihat seperti pohon. 3. burung unta terlihat seperti gundukan tanah.
2. the giraffe looks like tree.
3. the ostirch looks like mound.
The meaning:
1. landak terlihat seperti bola duri saat dirinya terancam.
2. jerapah terlihat seperti pohon.
3. burung unta terlihat seperti gundukan tanah.