1)uzupełnij dialogi wlasciwymi wyrazami !
Valerie Dad some friends are coming round later to watch a DVD can we get some snacks?
Dad Sure why don’t we get some (1)………? We could have a (2)…….
Valerie Hmm no thanks dad lily’s vegetarian. S he doesn’t eat (3)………….
Dad Ok pizza then .look here (4)………that’s vegetarian. And to go with it what about (5)…..?they’re made of (6)……….
Valerie Yes ok. And look (7)………..we can have them for pudding.
Dad Ok put them in the trolley. Your mother’s goingo to kill me.
Valerie Mum loves (8)………..!..........
Dad Exactly!and she’s on a diet
1Water hamburgers cabbage
2Breakfast packet barbecue
3Fruit vegetables meat
4Ham and cheese and spicy beef peppers mushroom
5Tuna steak chips
6Fruit vegetables bread
7Delicious spaghetti doughnuts
8Junk food tasty spoonful
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1 - Hamburger's
2 - Breakfast
3 - Meat
4 - Mushroom
5 - Chips
6 - Bread
7 - Doughnuts
8 - Food .
Jak coś nie tak to pisz to wtedy poprawie ; ]