1.Rozmawiasz z kolegą z zagranicy na temat posiadania zwierząt domowych.
-poinformuj go, jakie zwierzę masz w domu(może być pies)
-wymień korzyści płynącą z posiadania go
-zapytaj,jakie zwierzę on posiada
2. Do you think these animals are happy? Why? Why not?
Are zoos needed? Why? Why not?
potrzebuje to jak najszybciej za najlepsze bedę wdzięczna;D
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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- Hay , I would like to talk with you about animals .
- Hay , Okej .
- I have a dog at home . I must give him the feed, water still every the moment. And of course with him to leave. You what animal do you have?
- I have a cat . The same as I, also I must feed him, but I am not going outside with him all the time, because has such a special tray . I'm sorry I have to gotomy aunt . Bay
- Okey . Bay
zad 2 .
I thinkthey are happy,because Ilove themand have afamily.They cannot behappybecause theydo not lovetheirownersandnieopiekująthem.
Zooin my opinionis not needed.They justneeditso thatallthe animalsviewedasan exhibition.It should notbe!
Mam nadzieje , że jest dobrze . ; ))