November 2018 1 31 Report

1.Przekształć zdania, posługując sie wyrazem podanym wielkimi literami tak aby zachować znacznie zdania wyjściowego.Wstaw przecinki tam gdzie to konieczne.


1.His dream is to meet Peter Crouch-he plays for Liverpool and England. WHO
His dream is to meet Peter Crouch,who plays for Liverpool and England.

2.Could you remember to give me back the book?-you borrowed it from me two months ago. THAT
3. He wants me to go a restaurant-they serve Chinese and Indian food there. WHERE

4.At the circus I saw a very strong man-he could lift 100 kilograms without any trouble.


5. The heavy storm lasted for five hours-it is now over. WHICH

6.I often think back to these times-my grandparents were still alive them. WHEN

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" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "

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