1.Przeczytaj tekst, napisz inne zdania minimum 15 ma to być fantastyczny sen.Na końcu napisz że się obudziłeś.
My fantastic day
I got up late and had a dinosaur for breakfast.
Then I went to the park and played a game of fotball with David Beckham.
Then I went shopping and bought a Ferrari.
In the afternoon I flew to New York.
In the evening i drove around New York City in a limousine.
And then i woke up !
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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My fantastic day
I got up about 1 p.m. and dress up my Dolce&Gabana new dress. I ate two candels(which were still burning) for breakfast and it was really delicious. After that I met my best friend, Justin Bieber. We hounted whales in a nearby forest. Then we went to gallery and I found out that my friend wasn't really Justin Bieber, but my mom in a costume. I was so happy I bought all gallery and made a party in it. In the evening I robbed a bank and I spend all money in McDonald's. But I was still hungry and thursty and I couldn't stand it. And then I woke up!