1.Przeczytaj opisy trzech filmow oraz pytania dotyczace tych opisow . Przyporzadkuj kazdemu pytaniu wlasciwy opis, wpisujac litery a-c w kratki 1-4. Jeden z opisow pasuje do dwoch pytan. a)The Came From Another Place If you are looking for laughs, then this isn't for you. The action takes place in a small town where, one day, strange lights appear in the sky. Soon new people arrive and there is something unusual about them. There isn't much talking in the film but there's a lot of action and special effects. When the spacecraft appears, you'll be amazed. b)What's Up? Jacob works in a lift in a department store. The whole film takes place in the lift but it never gets boring. In fact, it's very funny and the ninety minutes fly by. Jack gets everythink wrong and upsets the customers but,of course, there is a happy ending. No other film will make you laugh as much as this one but, the next time you shop in a big store, I think you'll take the stairs. c)The Virus Experiment The film lasts over two hours and there's not a lot of action. But you have to concentrate hard, or you won't understand what's happening. The events, which actually happened in California in 2008, are explained in long conwersations between the characters in different places. If you're looking for pure entertainment, you'll not get it-but it's worth trying to follow this unbelievable story. Which offer is best for someone who wants to watch 1-a film based on a true story? 2-a comedy? 3-a film with complicated dialogues? 4-a science fiction film?
1-a film based on a true story? c)
2-a comedy? b)
3-a film with complicated dialogues? c)
4-a science fiction film? a)