1.proszę opomoc napisz list oswojej rodzinie po angielsku
2. Co to jest szczęście? na polski
Szczęście jest emocją, spowodowaną doświadczeniami ocenianymi przez podmiot jako pozytywne. Psychologia wydziela w pojęciu szczęście rozbawienie i zadowolenie.
mieć szczęście oznacza: sprzyjający zbieg, splot okoliczności; pomyślny los, fortuna, dola, traf, przypadek; powodzenie w realizacji celów życiowych, korzystny bilans doświadczeń życiowych
odczuwać szczęście oznacza: (chwilowe) odczucie bezgranicznej radości, przyjemności, euforii, zadowolenia, upojenia, (trwałe) zadowolenie z życia połączone z pogodą ducha i optymizmem; ocena własnego życia jako udanego, wartościowego, sensownego
I would you to tell about family. Ma father is the doctor. My mum to occupy and walks on the night to the work. My grandfather is the coach of football and I will tell you that go witk him every training and I like this very much. And my grandma is sick. I have two brothers and there are they were asymmetrical that I can not sometimes hold our with them. Write you to me your family. Pozrdrawiam Jack.
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Dear, My name is Karolina Włoadarczyk . I'm 16 years old . I was born in Bydgoszcz.This is big city in Poland.My family is very very big.In the hause live with my mum , dad, three sisters and two brothers . My sister teaching in high-school in Poznań.My brother working at the cinema . They both like films science fiction and play the football. My parents working in hospital. My mum is nurse,dad is surgeon .I loving sports and read books . I heating my brother ! He is stupid. I have got a one dog and one cat . My dog name is Reksio , cat-Alex . My grandhparents died ! They both died ,when I have got five years old /
mieć szczęście oznacza:
sprzyjający zbieg, splot okoliczności;
pomyślny los, fortuna, dola, traf, przypadek;
powodzenie w realizacji celów życiowych, korzystny bilans doświadczeń życiowych
odczuwać szczęście oznacza:
(chwilowe) odczucie bezgranicznej radości, przyjemności, euforii, zadowolenia, upojenia,
(trwałe) zadowolenie z życia połączone z pogodą ducha i optymizmem; ocena własnego życia jako udanego, wartościowego, sensownego
I would you to tell about family. Ma father is the doctor. My mum to occupy and walks on the night to the work. My grandfather is the coach of football and I will tell you that go witk him every training and I like this very much. And my grandma is sick. I have two brothers and there are they were asymmetrical that I can not sometimes hold our with them. Write you to me your family.
Pozrdrawiam Jack.
My name is Karolina Włoadarczyk . I'm 16 years old . I was born in Bydgoszcz.This is big city in Poland.My family is very very big.In the hause live with my mum , dad, three sisters and two brothers . My sister teaching in high-school in Poznań.My brother working at the cinema . They both like films science fiction and play the football. My parents working in hospital. My mum is nurse,dad is surgeon .I loving sports and read books . I heating my brother ! He is stupid. I have got a one dog and one cat . My dog name is Reksio , cat-Alex . My grandhparents died ! They both died ,when I have got five years old /