August 2018 1 70 Report
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Ada yang bisa bantu mempersingkat title : Batu Menangis Once upon a time, there lived a mother and her daughter in a small village, in Borneo island. The daughter was so beautiful, but she had a very bad behavior. She never helped her mother to work. She just spent her time in front of the mirror to beautify herself and to admire her beauty. While her mother had to work to fulfill their daily needs. She was also a spoiled girl. She always asked everything to her mother. if her mother didn’t fulfill her want, she would cry. This made her mother so sad, but somehow she still loved her daughter. So she always tried to fulfill what her daughter wanted.One day, the girl forced her mother to buy a new gown for her. At first, her mother refused her request. She told her daughter that she didn’t have enough money. But her daughter threatened her mother, then she fulfilled to but a new gown. Before going to the market together, her daughter reminded her mom,”Let’s go shopping, but I don’t want to walk beside you. You had to walk behind me, I felt embarrassed if people see me”. Even though her mother felt really sad, she obeyed her daughter request, she did not want her daughter feel embarrassed. The daughter dressed beautifully while her mother wore very simple dress. Even though they were a mother and a daughter, they looked so different. Her mother looked like her servant. In the middle of their way to market, a man greeted them,”Hi cute girl, is she your mother?”. he asked. “How could you think that? Of course she is not my mother, she is my servant”, the daughter replied. Her mother was so sad to hear that. She kept silent though her heart was crying aloud. Along the street everyone passing kept asking the girl about her mother. And the girl always told them that the old woman behind her was her servant. The mother had stayed patiently along the street. And finally she could not bear it to hear her daughter’s answer. she prayed to the God,”O Lord, punish my ungrateful daughter, please!”, she prayed. Suddenly the girl’s legs turned to be a stone immediately after the mother stopped praying. The change came slowly. Knowing her legs turned to be a stone, the daughter screamed.”What’s happen to my legs?”. Then she realized that she had hurt her mother’s feeling. She cried and begged for absolution to her mother.”Mommy, Forgive me please, mom”. She begged. The daughter kept crying. But it was too late. The whole body eventually became a stone. The mother actually felt so sad to see her daughter. But she could not do anything to the God’s destiny. Even though she had become a stone completely, people can still see her tears. That is the reason why it was called Batu Menangis.

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