September 2018 2 25 Report

1.Podaj formę podanych czasowników w czasie Past Simple:

Be,Buy,Go,Work,Grow,Cry,Can,bring,feel,hang,try,fight,make, have,give,get,forgive,hit,visit,talk,do.

2.Napisz pytania w czasie Past Simple do podanych zdań:

1. She worked hard yesterday.

2.They gave me a gift for my last birthday.

3.We visited relatives yesterday.

4.Tom fallin love with Sara.

5.I was in hospital two years ago.

6.Patryk and his brothers played football yesterday.

7.You had headache.

8.Chris did the shopping last Saturday.

9.Kate and Paul cooked for friends.

10.Billy sent a birthday card to Uncle Bob last week.

11.We did our English homeworklast night.

12.Tim was tired yesterday.

13.We saw to the new science fiction movie at the cinema last night.

14.Mary took the dog for a walk half an hour ago.

15.Tony and Mary got married in this church.

3.Napisz przeczenia w czasie Past Simple podanych zdań:

1.The childate a sandwich an hour ago.

2.Tom wrote this article when he was at university.

3.I had yoghurt for lunch yesterday.

4.He took me to the cinema last night

5.They asked me to work for them.

6.She sang my favourite song.

7.Brenda forgot to do her homework.

8.Bill went to the dentist at 4pm.

9.Sarah and Tom sent a parcel to Jim.

10. Tim woke up late this morning

11.They were happy.

12.Ew met to play basketball two days ago.

13.?They prepared lunch for everybody.

14.Tom played the piano only for you.

15.I paid all my debt yesterday.

16.Sue got married two years ago.

17.My flowers died because of the sun.

18.The pen broke in two when you sat on it.

19.I heard you snoring.

20.The music made me feel good.

Life Enjoy

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