1.Połącz podane początki i zakończenie zdań,używając zaimków względnych. Napisz zdania wstawiając przecinki tam gdzie to konieczne.
1.Do you know a place......
2.I'll never forget the moment....
3.The police are looking for the man....
4.I got an autographed photo from Sanda Bullock....
5.I don't like the poem....
6.Her twin brother hit her...
7. We want to go to Rome....
a. She is my favourite actress.
b.We went on our honeymoon.
c.He robbed a bank yesterday.
d.He has written it for me.
e.I first saw my little baby son.
f. It made her cry.
g. You can buy cheap furniture.
Przykład 1.Do you know a place where you can buy cheap furniture?
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1g. .Do you know a place where You can buy cheap furniture.
2e. 'll never forget the moment when I first saw my little baby son.
3c The police are looking for the man who robbed a bank yesterday
4a I got an autographed photo from Sanda Bulloc who is my favourite actress.
5d I don't like the poem which He has written it for me.
6f .Her twin brother hit her when It made her cry.
7b We want to go to Rome when We went on our honeymoon.
2. I'll never forget the moment, when I first saw my little baby son.
3.The police are looking for the man, who he robbed a bank yesterday.
4.I got an autographed photo from Sanda Bullock, who she is my favourite actress.
5.I don't like the poem, which he has written it for me.
6.Her twin brother hit her, what it made her cry.
7. We want to go to Rome, where We went on our honeymoon.