1.Na koncercie widziałeś dziwnie wyglądającego i zachowującego się człowieka. Następnego dnia opowiadasz o tym przyjaciołom z Anglii. Opisz: a) wygląd tej osoby b) jej zachowanie c) reakcje innych osób
2. Opowiedz anglojęzycznemu koledze o imprezie, na którą poszedłeś nieodpowiednio ubrany. Powiedz: a) jaka to była impreza b) jak byłeś ubrany Ty, a jak byli ubrani inni c) jak się czułeś
Proszę o szybkie rozwiązanie ;) P.S.: do każdego podpunktu wystarczą po 2 zdania :)
1. I was at a concert and saw a strange-looking man, and preserves. This person had a black shirt stained red liquid resembling blood. This man's face was bruised. Man behaving nervously. Threw insults people standing around him. Women who have been beside him fled. Other cries called the police. 2. Yesterday I went to a party. This was my friend's birthday. I was wearing a long black dress and a shirt. Others were dressed in colorful costumes and short. I felt bad because it looked like I came to the funeral ceremony. Throughout the disco, all pay attention to me. I was embarrassed.
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1. a) Yesterday I was on a rock concert of a group called FranX. The main singer was really funny. He was dressed in a black leather jacket and in pink shorts. He had black sunglasses on and a crown on his head. b) He was jumping and running all over the stage. He also came down to the audience and took a 15-16 old girl on his back you know like a piggy-back ride. c) Everybody had a really good time. They were singing along with him and dancing. One of my neighbours said that the guy is weird but he likes him.
2. a) I went to my friend's sweet sixteen birthday party last weekend. It was very exclusive. b) Unfortunetly the party had a theme. Everybody was dressed in white-red suits and dresses. c) I felt really strange in the begining because I was wearing a t-shirt and jeans. But I had a great time ;)
2. Yesterday I went to a party. This was my friend's birthday. I was wearing a long black dress and a shirt. Others were dressed in colorful costumes and short. I felt bad because it looked like I came to the funeral ceremony. Throughout the disco, all pay attention to me. I was embarrassed.
b) He was jumping and running all over the stage. He also came down to the audience and took a 15-16 old girl on his back you know like a piggy-back ride.
c) Everybody had a really good time. They were singing along with him and dancing. One of my neighbours said that the guy is weird but he likes him.
2. a) I went to my friend's sweet sixteen birthday party last weekend. It was very exclusive.
b) Unfortunetly the party had a theme. Everybody was dressed in white-red suits and dresses.
c) I felt really strange in the begining because I was wearing a t-shirt and jeans. But I had a great time ;)