2. A. The injured were tajen to the hospital by the fireman
3. B. We will be blamed by everyone
4. B. The town was destroyed by an earthquake
5. A. Parking is not allowed in from of their gate
*Ketika objek dari kalimat adalah singular, gunakan kalimat sambung singular juga (he, she it, atau objek tapi hanya satu ==> is, was), sedangkan kalau objeknya plural, gunakan kata sambung plural (we, they, atau objek tapi banyak ==> are, were)
1. B. We are taught grammar by Ms. Sullivan
2. A. The injured were tajen to the hospital by the fireman
3. B. We will be blamed by everyone
4. B. The town was destroyed by an earthquake
5. A. Parking is not allowed in from of their gate
*Ketika objek dari kalimat adalah singular, gunakan kalimat sambung singular juga (he, she it, atau objek tapi hanya satu ==> is, was), sedangkan kalau objeknya plural, gunakan kata sambung plural (we, they, atau objek tapi banyak ==> are, were)
Semoga membantu :)