1.Make an offer or a promise. a) Your friend complains that it's very hot in the room. You say:................... . b) You were late for school. You say:........................ . c) Your friend has just lent you some money. You say:.......................... . d) Your friend can't do his Maths homework and you are good at Maths. You say:............................ .
(i jeszcze: dopisz propozycje lub obietnice do tyych zdań)
2. When did you last lend or borrow something? What was it?
( i jeszcze do tego napisz 3 zdania na temat : kiedy ostatnio coś od kogoś pożyczyłeś lub ktoś od ciebie coś pożyczył?) proszę o pomoc
z góry dziękuję ;D
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Zadanie 1.
a) Why don't we open the window?
b) Sorry, I'm late.
c) Thank a lot! I give you back it as soon as I can.
d) Do you mind if I help you with Maths?
Zadanie 2.
Yesterday at school I had a History test. Unfortunately, my pen stopped working. I had to borrow another pen from my friend from the bench. I was lucky that she had reserve one.