April 2019 1 30 Report
1.Lina :"can I use your pen?"
Dayu :"sure.Take the green one."
"Don't use the red one.There's no ink on it."
2.Udin :"Is this seat taken?can I sit here"?
Edo :"No,the chair's leg is loose.Don't sit on it."
"please take the seat near the window."
3.Siti :"Let's wrap the gift for Lina.Can we it on your table?"
Beni :" please do,but don't make a mess."
4.Udin :"It's very cold.Can I wear your jacket?"
Edo :"sure.I have two jacket."
"don't forget to wash before you return it to me,ok?"
5.Dayu :"hey,Lina is a girl.You ca. buy her a baby doll.Don't buy her a car toy."
1.a.to ask a permission,lina says...
b.to respond a permission,Dayu says...
c.to give a prohibition,Dayu says.
2.a.to ask a permissio ,Udin says..
b.to give a prohibition, Edo says....
c.to respond permission,edo saya...
3.a.to give an instruction......
b.to ask for a permission..
c.to respond a permission...
d.to give a prohibition...
4.a.to ask for a permission....
b.to respond a permission...
c.to give a prohibition....
5.a.to give an instruction...
b.to give a prohibition..
tolong jawab y kk,abang,om,mbak,semuanya boleh tolong jawab kk besok dikumpul mohon bantuannya yyy????

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