1)Jak należy chronić środowisko (sugestie oraz jakie będą tego konsekwencje) 2) Ułóż ulotkę swojej partii dotyczącą zmian w; -szkolnictwie -ochronie środowiska -miastach -w życiu młodych ludzi -zarobkach
1) Our environment should be protected on all possible ways. There are many examples of such manners. One of them is reduction of carbon dioxide production and other harmful gases. Another one is not throwing rubbish away into forests. We should also prevent global warming. That's why we ought to turn the lights off when we are out of a room etc.
2) Polish leftist party: - Education - teachers' salaries will be increased and the programme of teaching will be improved. - Protecting environment - we'll take care of our environment by many campagnes about effects of wasting the environment.We are going to rise the fines for littering as well. - City - it'll be cleaner and well maintained. We're also going to build a new railway station and an airport. - Youth - we're going to build a lot of pitches and youth clubs. We'll also fight about students laws. - Salaries - they'll be increased. We promise that it'll be at least by 30 %.
2) Polish leftist party:
- Education - teachers' salaries will be increased and the programme of teaching will be improved.
- Protecting environment - we'll take care of our environment by many campagnes about effects of wasting the environment.We are going to rise the fines for littering as well.
- City - it'll be cleaner and well maintained. We're also going to build a new railway station and an airport.
- Youth - we're going to build a lot of pitches and youth clubs. We'll also fight about students laws.
- Salaries - they'll be increased. We promise that it'll be at least by 30 %.